Level 1 Top Users: Celebrating 1 year of free access and testing

In 2024, we opened NeuroAscent’s first three free levels to test our educational gaming platform. The calvarium level serves as the gateway to skull anatomy, guiding users through the intricate bones and sutures that protect our brain. The response has exceeded our expectations – 222 users collectively tackled 4,721 questions about calvarium anatomy, maintaining an […]
From Hobby Project to Learning Platform: NeuroAscent’s Journey in 2024

NeuroAscent began as a simple idea born from personal frustration with existing neuroanatomy learning tools. What started as a basic JavaScript quiz application has gradually evolved into an interactive learning platform. While still very much a work in progress, each iteration brings improvements to help students engage with this challenging subject matter. The technical journey […]
What is NeuroAscent, gamified neuroanatomy?

Neuroanatomy, the study of the nervous system’s structure and function, is one of the most challenging subjects in medical education. From the intricate architecture of the spinal cord white matter tracts to the complex networks of the limbic lobe, mastering this field requires students to navigate complex terminology and memorize vast amounts of information. Yet […]